Yes and they also can choose to die
La fotosíntesis es el proceso en el cual la energía de la luz se convierte en energía química en forma de azúcares. En un proceso impulsado por la energía de la luz, se crean moléculas de glucosa (y otros azúcares) a partir de agua y dióxido de carbono, mientras que se libera oxígeno como subproducto.
Noah's principle is a concept that comes from the Biblical story found in the old testament where God gave Noah instructions to build an ark to save him and his family .
The concept here is that God did not tell Noah when it was going to rain. The people of the day most probably mocked and derided Noah as a time waster or a fool. That is, until the flood came. The " fool" had been wiser all along.
An Application is this. Google gives everyone who does online business "suggestions" and "guidelines" but not everyone chooses to listen. Google rarely, if ever, tells us when they will put the guidelines into action.
Panda, a Google ranking system, took 6 years while Google was telling online users to follow certain guidelines. Many ignored, until Panda was put into action, and those who had not heeded suffered with only themselves to blame.
Moral: Heed and prepare even if the outcome tarries.
When the action potential reaches the end of axon at the axon terminal Release of neurotransmitter occur from pre synaptic nerve ending.
Action potential is an important process that help the generation and propagation of nerve impulse transmission from one neuron to the next one.
When the action potential reaches the axon terminal it help in the liberation of neurotransmitter which may be either excititory or inhibitory.
The released neurotransmitter binds to the surface receptor of post synaptic membrane causing either deplarization or hyperpolarization depending on the nature of neurotransmitter .