I would just stick with the 4th amendment, which states that tha people can't just tresspass on to your property and police can't search your house just because they want.
Byzantine writers copied and preserved the writings of the Greeks and Romans. If they had not done so, we would not have information about these civilizations today.
Byzantine civilization had been influenced by both Roman and Greek culture, transmitted by Hellenism that had been influencing the region of Asia Minor since at least the fifth century BC. However, Byzantine culture had been influenced more by the Greeks than by the Romans. were its creators. Because of this influence, Byzantine writers copied and preserved the writings of the Greeks and Romans. This has helped modern civilizations learn more about these peoples.
Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
It would be north america, virgena
I tiik the test
The 2020 presidential election has been a disaster for people who think the Electoral College is still a good idea. Joe Biden’s clear victory has been followed by attempts by the incumbent president to induce Republican legislators and other elected Republican officials in five states he lost to ignore the certified vote counts in their states and substitute their partisan preferences for the voters’ decision. Now Congress will formally receive the electoral votes, after a series of attempts to subvert the democratic process, all made possible by the Electoral College.