American farmers, who gained millions of acres of land for settlement
The Great Depression was a time in history it began with the us stock market crash and didn’t end till 1946 banks failed, unemployment arose, international trade collapsed, hunger increased too. Those are some facts to help you out :)
I hope this helps
It was August 30, 1945, when I and General MacArthur arrived in Japan and landed at Atsugi Airport, then simply proceeded by car to the U.S. headquarters in nearby Yokohama. I watched as we passed tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers lined the road, their bayonets fixed on him. Time flew by, and in a short period General Mac Arthur forgave Emperor Hirohitoon, he also responded to the millions of demobilized Japanese soldiers arriving back home by providing them with the means to bring them back into civilian society. After responding to the immediate needs of the Japanese people, General MacArthur next ordered the release of thousands of political prisoners. I watched as Japan grew in the first couple of months of General MacArthur arrival, and I was sad that I could not stay by his side until the finished product, but you could see Japan was taking a turn for the good.