Answer: Counter-productive work behavior
Explanation: Counterproductive work behavior is used to describe actions or attitude attributed to employees of an organization which could impede the productivity or growth of an organization. Counterproductive work behavior may include tardiness, fraud or other acts which could negatively affect the productivity. Counterproductive behavior negates moral and organizational ethics and may occur as a means of avenging an unfair treatment or to avoid getting into trouble as in the case of Daniel who opted for giving a below par presentation to clients rather than abstaining from work and getting into trouble with his boss.
Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess" does not rely heavily on metaphors. It is rather a monologue delivered by the speaker describing a painting of his wife and his wife as a person when she was still living. The painting can be said to symbolize the wife, the last duchess. There are a few metaphors sprinkled throughout the poem, though, as the speaker paints a verbal portrait of his former wife.
When the speaker says in lines 1-2 "That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, / Looking as if she were alive," his choice of words could be considered metaphorical. The duchess herself is not literally on the wall; rather, this is a painting or a likeness of her, which stands in for her throughout the poem. One of the few metaphors in the poem is the "spot of joy" referenced by the speaker. The speaker suggests that most people wonder what exactly makes his lady smile and appear happy in the painting.
B. independent clause, dependent clause, other independent clause
Creon's decree that Polyneices and other rebels should not be given a proper burial according to Greek religious custom is a direct violation of the will of the gods. Antigone is determined to follow the will of the gods (remember, she was born to a cursed family and knows the penalty the gods can exact for attempting to usurp their authority over mortals).
<span>Teiresias is motivated to warn Creon because he "sees" that the gods are angered and are going to destroy him if he follows through with his arrogant and willful (see: hubris) course of action.</span>