On August 9, 1760, with the prospect of starvation looming, the fort's commander, Paul Demere, asked the Cherokee for terms of surrender.After the massacre of several Cherokee chiefs who were being held hostage at Fort Prince George, the Cherokee laid siege to Fort Loudoun in March 1760. The fort's garrison held out for several months, but diminishing supplies forced its surrender in August 1760.
D - Tier 2 supplier.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers usually refers to suppliers of the automotive industry. A Tier 1 supplier deals directly with the client (just like Lear Corporation and Ford in the example) whereas a Tier 2 suppliear supplies products to this Tier 1 suppliear (just like Jones Manufacturing and Lear Corp.) which then supplies to the OEM.
Black South Africans were also involved in the war.Some fought;others severed as scouts,guards,drivers,and workers.Many black South Africans were captured by the British and placed in concentration camps,where over 14,000 died. Your welcome✌️
Explanation: Enlightenment ideas inspired both the writers of the Declaration and the American Constitution. Among the most important philosophers of the Enlightenment are John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu, whose ideas directly influenced the writing of the said Declaration and the Constitution.
Namely, Locke's idea of the natural rights of people, which is inherited to them, and that is why all people are equal, is the premise of the Declaration. That is why the government must protect and guarantee these natural rights, namely: the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to property. The property item was amended in the Declaration to the item where that natural right is referred to as the pursuit of personal happiness.
Montesquieu's idea of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial is what is stated in the American Constitution and what is practice in the American System. This idea was used in some forms in ancient Rome, and Aristotle also mentioned it. Yet this idea, as it is known today, was shaped by Montesquieu, which was directly used about being incorporated into the American Constitution. The idea is that each of the branches of government controls the other two, so that neither has excessive authority, each of the branches can stop some of the decisions of the other branches. This means that the primary goal is democratic form of government in the service of the people.