Do you know the store name and do you have an image
The correct answer choice would be B.
Hope this helps and thanks for using brainly!
strengthening of nationalist movements
Needing a better economic situation prior to World War II, Italian leader Mussolini began limiting unemployment by stressing military duty.
Mussolini managed to defeat unemployment due to the implementation of large-scale projects for the development of the country's agriculture. In the place of drained bogs, new agricultural regions were created, where unemployed labor from other regions of the country was involved. Under Mussolini, the social sphere was significantly expanded by opening thousands of new schools and hospitals.
Subsequently, economic power was concentrated in the hands of the largest corporations from a number of industries: industry, agriculture, trade, sea and air transport, railway transport and river shipping, banks and insurance companies (all artists were united in the eighth - whom can talk to in the nijt). The corporations were appointed by the state, which coordinated their activities with the help of the new special ministry. According to the then Charter of Labor, in exchange for benefits and privileges, employers pledged to remain loyal to the regime, and workers were protected by centralized social legislation that regulated, in particular, wages and prices.
The Indian Statutory Commission, commonly referred to as the Simon Commission, was a group of seven English, male British Members of Parliament under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon (later, 1st Viscount Simon). The commission arrived in British India in 1928 to study constitutional reform in Britain's largest and the most important possession.