part-to-whole relationship: tail:mouse / scale:crocodile
item-category relationship: Monday:weekday / Saturday:weekend
cause-and-effect relationship: cut:bleed / burn:irritate
In an analogy, we find a relationship between different things, something that connects them. Let's analyze the analogies above.
- A mouse is a whole that can be divided into several parts: ears, tails, paws, etc. The same goes for a crocodile: teeth, scales, stomach. Thus, with tail:mouse and scale:crocodile, we have a relationship of part to whole.
- There are different days in a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. Those days can be divided under different categories. Monday, for instance, can be categorized as a weekday. However, Saturday would be categorized under weekend since it is not a weekday. Thus, with Monday:weekday and Saturday:weekend, we have an item-category relationship.
- Finally, if you cut yourself, you will most likely bleed. Bleeding is the effect of being cut. Cutting is the cause of bleeding. The same goes for getting burned (cause) and the skin getting irritated (effect). Thus, with cut:bleed and burn:irritate, the relationship is of cause and effect.
Peak and top because crest means the top of mountain or hill
no because when your team has killed everyone they will end up turning on you
In the story the odyssey if that's what you are talking about then the sign was the two eagles dropping down on the congregation(group of people) fighting with their sharp talons ripping each other apart and its impending doom for them.
(delete the comment below your question i put it there because i thought i wasn't going to be able to comment the answer because 2 people were answering)