It is known that a good credit score generally comes from a history of managing money responsibly. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t borrow money though; in fact, companies often like to see a track record of timely payments and sensible borrowing. In Leon's case, he has no dealings with credit cards as he makes all his transaction with physical cash; therefore he has no credit score in any way.
Leon has to work towards improving his poor credit score or need to build up credit history from nothing.
According to a 2012 Forbes article, CareerCast released a list of the most stressful jobs. "Event coordinator" was listed as the 6th most stressful job.
The answer is sixth.
The answer is $48.
20% of $200 is 40. So the total amount they will pay is $240. Since there will be five payments you divide this by five. That makes %48.
Answer: B) demand determined.
If the supply of a good is fixed or the product is of a unique kind, the price of the good will be determined by the amount of demand for it.
Normally supply can change based on the quantity demanded which will impact prices but if the supply is definite, this means that the supply curve is inelastic and the only curve that can affect price therefore is the demand curve.
If more people demand the good, it will increase in price and if less people demand it, it will fall in price.