A restless soul is a person that maybe is physically at ease in mind and body but its soul is always aching for new adventures. They are adventurous people. Some characteristics of restless souls:
- They don't stay never too long in one place, as they start feeling trapped.
- They don't like routine.
- They keep changing jobs as they feel bored doing the same thing over the time.
- They seek for challanges.
- Always looking for new goals.
- Love travelling, as it expands your mind
Odyssey did a tremendous journey, restless, in the quest of returning home, he has to return to the Underworld. It takes him 10 years to return home. During his wanderings, he learns, he grows, he makes friends and enemies.
He didn't have the courage to knock on Breton's door and, having no money, walked all the way back to Cuesmes.
Penelope was far from Odysseus as well so there both were sad that they were apart. Penelope has to deal with the suitors and lead them in a way and Odysseus had to deal with his crew and lead them
Water is a compund of 1 hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms. water was just the name given to it.