The Indus river River Valley was the home of the first Indian civilization. The Arabian sea, Indian sea, and Bay of Bengal surround India. Ancient Indians sailed these waters to other ancient lands, such as Mesopotamia. This travel helped encourage trade.
France was the European country that invaded large parts of North Africa in the 1800s.
- The first invasion that France undertook was that of the territory of Algeria.
- France invaded Algeria in 1830 with an intention to cease the attacks that were done on the French ships by the Algerian pirates.
- After France invaded Algeria, the streaks to invade the interiors of the African continent continued.
- Great Britain was another European country that invaded large parts of Africa following France.
Answer: he he should explaind why he's disageed
Answer: Dependent personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder is a disorder in which an individual seeks excessive dependence on other people making them insecure and weak. Here such individual have constant need to be taken care of therefore depend on others for almost all their physical and emotional need. Because of their needy clinging behavior, most of these individuals have phobia for separation and tend to show animosity towards who he or she feels is responsible for causing the divided attention.
Farah's husband most likely has a Dependent personality disorder,