B. They loan out and invest the money that has been deposited.
Three main agricultural crops of various Native American groups in North America
Pavlov's theory of stimulus substitution is the combination of several techniques that are called the spectrum of the umbrella in classical conditioning. It occurs with the pairing with the new stimulus to the already conditioned stimulus. When this procedure occurs new stimulus paired with the conditioned stimulus, there are chances of replacing already conditioned stimulus with a new stimulus.
We can take an example of a rat that is to be conditioned to respond to a whistle which related to fed then can add a flashlight as a signal with a whistle. When light is there then rat fed. The light signal is then substituted part of the whistle.
Socratic Method
According to my research on different methods of critical thinking, I can say that based on the information provided within the question the professor is using the Socratic Method. This method focuses itself on a form of cooperative argument between two individuals, in which one asks and the other answers, and vice versa.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
evolutionary is the correct answer.