formative quizzing
The formative questionnaires present questions that are not intended to test an individual, but rather to present concepts and information that can extend and help the student's process of understanding about a certain subject. This type of questionnaire is built taking into account the needs that the student presents with regard to academic knowledge hurting the classes, or to concepts that are presented in a more complex way.
Social construction
A social construction or construct involves the meaning, concept, or connotation that a society places on an object or event, and is followed by the inhabitants of that society as to how they perceive or interact with the object or event.
Is simply defined as the gathering (collection) of information. The information sometimes can be facts, number or measurement.
In research, data can be either qualitative or quantitative.
Qualitative data are simply data that are open. They are subjective approach to data collection. It is used for preliminary investigation of new areas of inquiry. It involves small samples and has no concern with generalizability.
Quantitative data is objective in nature. It is planned approach to data collection. It involves large samples and it aim to generalize to other populations.
Data collection methods includes
1. Public and private records
2. Detached observation
4. Surveys/questionnaires and others
The population of Africa is growing every year and increasing as the years go by.
Africa had 230 million in the mid 20-Century and today there are 1.2 billion. That is a very big difference. Also, the fun fact states that 41% of the population of Africa is under age 15 so this means that the newer generations are most likely larger than some older ones. hope this helps :)