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The water won't be able to penetrate the ground so can't become ground water and reservoirs are usually above ground not underground so it will become run off.
pH scale ranges from 0-14. 0-7 being the acidic range with 0 being the most acidic, 7 -14 is the basic range with 14 being the most basic.
Energy input would be what's giving the source energy. Energy output is what energy it's giving out.
It would have disastrous consequences on the viability of the individual
The genome can be defined as the genetic material of an organism, which is composed of DNA molecules named chromosomes whose building blocks are four different nucleotides: Adenine, Thymine, Cysotcine and Guanine. The order of these nucleotides specifies the information contained in the chromosomes and, ultimately, in the genome. The genes, which are recognized to be the basic units of inheritance, are genetic sequences composed of ordered nucleotides along the chromosomes. During transcription, a gene encodes different RNA codons (for example, start and stop codons) which are specified by the order of the nucleotide sequence. Finally, the order of the RNA codons will be critical to specify the polypeptide chain during the translation from RNA to protein.