The following program is written in Java. Using the program code from Purchase class in 5.13 I created each one of the fruit objects. Then I set the price for each object using the setPrice method. Then I set the number of each fruit that I intended on buying with the setNumberBought method. Finally, I called each objects getTotalCost method to get the final price of each object which was all added to the totalCost instance variable. This instance variable was printed as the total cost of the bill at the end of the program. My code HIGHLIGHTED BELOW
//Entire code is in text file attached below.
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
oranges.setPrice(10, 2.99);
eggs.setPrice(12, 1.69);
apples.setPrice(3, 1);
watermelons.setPrice(1, 4.39);
bagels.setPrice(6, 3.50);
totalCost = oranges.getTotalCost() + eggs.getTotalCost() + apples.getTotalCost() + watermelons.getTotalCost() + bagels.getTotalCost();
System.out.println("Total Cost: $" + df.format(totalCost));
I’m confused what are you trying to ask? What is the python?
Coding works through programming/programs. Programs have different coding languages, and text files. The code within the file is known as the "source CODE" this code is used in different ways, causing for the possibility of separate binary files that computers can directly run. Hope I helped.
Answer: the term is known as Align Justified
In typesetting and page layout, alignment or range is the setting of text flow or image placement relative to a page, column, table cell, or tab. The type alignment setting is sometimes referred to as text alignment, text justification, or type justification.