The influx of calcium ions.
The influx of calcium ions at a certain point produces phase of the action potential also called depolarization which results in the ion movement changes the membrane potential from negative to positive inside the cell.
In action potential, calcium ions may control gene transcription, cell excitability, and neurotransmitter release. In chemical synapses, the influx of calcium ions leads to vesicles filled with neurotransmitters move to the surface of the cell, and into the synaptic cleft release their contents.
Binomial Nomenclature.
This method gives species a new name that consists of two latin names put together. The two latin names put together must be the species name and genus name.
The right answer is A patient who is Rh– can receive only Rh– blood.
The blood group is not the only thing that matters, it adds a category: rhesus. Rhesus refers to a red blood cell antigen that is on their wall. There are two blood group systems: Rh positive (Rh +) and Rh negative (Rh-).
Rhesus is positive in people who have this antigen. It concerns the majority of the population. Negative rhesus refers to people without the antigen. This rhesus factor is especially useful to know if a blood transfusion is feasible between two people.
The blood transfusions can be "iso-rhesus", that is to say between Rh + and Rh- but only in one sense: Rh- can give to Rh + but Rh + can not give to Rh-. Again because of the presence of antibodies directed against the antigen in Rh- people.
1. 50% will be red
2. 100% will be roan
3. 50% roan and 50% white