e. describes "where we are going" by delineating the course and direction management has charted for the company's future product-customer-market-technology focus.
The vision is how the company will shape the future. How is going to be in term of culture, place in the market and consumer view of the brand.
It is the idealistic foundation of the firm. Is the goal as pure as it can be.
Later, with mision and objective it will break down into smaller part to reach that greater the vision entails
Answer: Internet.
The internet is the fastest way a business can advertise it's products to a global audience. The internet is a wireless interconnection of computers across the Earth, where communication is made easier and information is shared.
Opportunity cost is the loss due to forgoing one opportunity to select another one alternative.
In this case, the forgone alternative is the full-time employment and other expenses for the term when the alternative chosen is to be in school. In this case, room and board expenses remain the same whether in school or working full time and thus not considered. The part-time amount earned while at school is subtracted as it would be compensated be during full time employment.
Opportunity cost = $20,000+$10,000+$1,000-$8,000 = $23,000
The answer is most like a Market Economy