Multiple myeloma<span> is cancer that forms in your plasma cells and causes cancer cells to accumulate in the bone marrow. Plasma cells are cells which help you fight infections by making antibodies that attack germs. </span>If signs and symptoms develop like bone pain or nausea, a number of treatments can be done to help control your multiple myeloma.
A nurse caring for a client with multiple myeloma is most likely to see his blood count. Complete blood count (CBC), is done to measure the levels of red cells, white cells, and platelets in the blood. If there are too many myeloma cells in the bone marrow, the most common finding is a low red blood cell count.
The developer's plan would affect the salamanders that live in the woodlot by taking away their vernal pool, the lack of a vernal pool would mean that the salamanders would have no place to mate and lay their eggs. This would result in a drastic reduction of salamanders in the area.