The program is written using PYTHON SCRIPT below;
N=int(input(" Enter number of Rows you want:"))
M=[] # this for storing the matrix
for i in range(N):
l=list(map(int,input("Enter the "+str(i+1)+" Row :").split()))
print("The 2D Matrix is:\n")
for i in range(N):
W=[] # to store the first non zero elemnt index
T=[] # to store that value is positive or negative
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
if (M[i][j]==0):
W.append(j) # If the value is non zero append that postion to position list(W)
if(M[i][j]>0): #For checking it is positive or negative
print("The first Non Zero element List [W] : ",end="")
print("Positive or Negative List [T] : ",end="")
In order for the program to determine a set of test cases it takes in input of 2D matrix in an N numbet of rows.
It goes ahead to program and find the column index of the first non-zero value for each row in the matrix A, and also determines if that non-zero value is positive or negative. The If - Else conditions are met accordingly in running the program.
The two devices in a computer that should be considered "black boxes," and should never be opened due to risks involving charged capacitors are MONITOR and POWER SUPPLY.
- Physical contact or close proximity to the open power supply caused a discharge from the capacitor that resulted in an electric shock. Capacitors can discharge current even when not energized because they hold a charge for some time after the power is turned off.
- To do harm to your body, the voltage across the capacitor's terminals must be high enough to cause a harmful effect on you. There are no hard rules for at what voltage things become harmful, but a common 'rule of thumb' is that DC up to 48 Volt is considered low voltage. So a capacitor charged to a voltage below 48 V is fairly safe.
- A charged capacitor can be very dangerous, so it's important that you avoid coming into contact with the terminals at all times.
Hire more people to help type her documents, or make Batch invoices
The answer is "Option A".
The dynamic search ads also known as interactive contextual ads, that utilizes google advanced website browsing technologies to dynamically address relevant results requests based on the quality of a chain's website. These ads are beneficial for strategies, and other choices were wrong which can be described as follows:
- In option B, It helps to upload all the dynamic search ads URLs quickly.
- In option C, It helps to control computer service.
- In option D, It increases the network traffic.