Maia can quickly and easily adjust the spacing that exists before and after her paragraphs. To achieve this, she should select her paragraphs and click the Line and Spacing command in the Paragraph command group. She should be able to click the Add Space Before Paragraph from the drop-down menu. The paragraph spacing should change. In the same drop-down menu, she can also select the Line Spacing Option. This will open the Paragraph dialog box. This option will let her control how much space She wants before and after the paragraph. These two options are placed and indicated down below the Paragraph dialog box.
The results of a psychological research can be used for malignant purposes, such as fooling individuals through their emotions, using propaganda to change beliefs, and manipulating others through the media.
But it can also be used for good – which is what the question is asking. It is clear that from the available options, only (D) improving communication and relationships are an example of how psychological research is used for good.
test whether a user entered a value
Files written with QBASIC must be run using the program and have the "bas" file extension.
Hope this helps
The errors in the loop condition such that it is not giving desired results or it is not running accordingly.There are different types of loop errors which are as following:-
1.Infinite loop:-When the is not able to stop then the error is called infinite loop. for ex:-
int i=1;
cout<<"I am King"<<endl;
2.Off by one error:-This error mostly happens in loop for arrays as indexing of the array is from 0 to size-1 .So looping over the array up to the size is a off by one error.
3.Equality v/s assignment operator error:-In this error the condition in the loop is like this d=f which is wrong since = is assignment operator it assigns the value of f to d while d==f checks that the value of d and f are equal or not.
4.&& v/s || loop error:- In this error we use and operator (&&) instead of or operator (||) and vice versa.
symptoms of loop errors are not the desired output.