Some relatable songs are Pumped up kicks-Foster the people; Come home- One republic; I want to hold your hand-Beatles; Safe and sound-Taylor Swift; 21 guns- Green Day; we will rock you-Queen
B. He tells him about his experience catching the fish and needs to patient. I took this quiz before trust me.
See below:
It asks for 3 examples of imagery about trash and pollution.
a lonely cab-horse steams and
stamps- I don't think this is one. A horse is not trash, even if it is lonely.
broken blinds and chimney-pots-This is one of them. "Broken" blinds indicate trash and overusage.
the winter evening settles down-No. This is talking about weather.
newspapers from vacant lots-I think this is one of them. The term "vacant" gives the hint that it is trash, since the newspaper is no longer in use.
and then the lighting of the lamps-I don't think so. This is giving general imagery about the setting. It has nothing to do with trash or pollution.
grimy scraps of withered leaves-I think this is one of them as well. The word usage here obviously states that these leaves are old, fallen off the tree, and trash.
I hope I could help!
A perfect class room pet would be a gerbil because it is easy to take care of. It is also very small so it won’t take up a lot of space. Another reason would be that a gerbils cage is very easy to clean out.