<span>C. Not including inflation into the caluculation will over-estimate the GDP.</span>
All of them apply
Green computing is the process of using environmental friendly computers and its associated components, accessories and other supporting devices.
Virtualization helps us to reduce the number of hardware that we are using.
Grid computers helps us to reduce the use of number of machines and thus supporting the environment in a right way.
Recycling process. Any material that we use needs to be recycled effectively and also in an environmental friendly way.
Autonomic computing uses eco-friendly system which in turn hugely support green computing.
Self respresentation skills such as proper dress and punctuality demonstrate to a company that you will take your job seriously. It is important to meet deadlines and manage your time accordingly.
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Different factors, such as processing power, information processing, and the component (CPU) utilised in computers, are used to classify computers. Micro-computers, Mini-computers, Main-frame computers, and Super-computers are divided into four categories based on the components utilised and functionality of the computers.