<u>Dorothy assumed the bulletin was meant for the eyes of the white, well-to-do students at the all-female State Teachers College in Farmville.</u>
Interestingly, in the book Hidden figures one of the main characters, Dorothy, who because of her black race background felt that she was not going to be considered for the job.
In fact, the book writes, "it never occurred to her that the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory would accept an application from an African-American woman". This assumption occurred because, at the time, people were racists towards blacks even in employment matters.
<span>"There is within me (and with sadness I have watched it in others) a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love, much as our blood sometimes bears the seed of our destruction, and at times I was mean to Doodle." ☻</span>
the main idea is called because anyone or anything may be called but not every thing or one can be out. for instance you cannot say ''the dog out''
but you can say ''the dog called'' even though dogs dont call