As a slave ship captain, John Newton would read passages from the bible and often used it as a basis to do punishment to the slaves.But over period of time, John Newton <span>realized the devastating effects on Africans and started to take a stand against it. He began to spread a lot of anti-slavery pamphlets in his hometown in his fight to abolish it</span>
The characteristic of the economic theory of mercantilism is that, exports should be encouraged over imports. The economic theory of mercantilism's main aim is to establish a powerful and wealthy state. Mercantile system is a kind of economic system that seeks to enrich a country be prioritizing and encouraging exports over imports.
Answer: The dynasties were similar because both unified China and its culture through programs of centralization and assimilation, the integration of people into a wider culture. However, while the Han Dynasty embraced Confucianism, the teaching's of Confucius, the Qin Dynasty followed Legalism philosophy.
Very soon after the colonization, their numbers were reduced by 50%. Over the following years, the number increased to around 80% of the population. The highest number of deaths came from viruses and diseases and bacteria that the Europeans brought with themselves not even knowing what they would do, while another big part died in the wars and relocation. <span />