One should consider: proper clothing and shoes-so not to get injured. Knowledge of equipment and activity—one should know how to use all equipment and know how to play the games/activity so not to hurt themselves or others. Proper hydration and nutrition before hand-so not to get dehydrated or dizzy or sick and safety og equipment and location-check for broken items and discard, check environment for hills, holes, sticks, traffic, etc.
In the body, water moves through semi-permeable membranes of cells and from one compartment of the body to another by a process called osmosis. Osmosis is basically the diffusion of water from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration, along an osmotic gradient across a semi-permeable membrane.
Answer: Binocular disparity.
Binocular disparity is the slight difference between the points of view provided by both eyes. This difference in image location is what our brain uses to perceive depth from two-dimensional images provided by each eye.
The brain and spinal cord are both structures of the central nervous system.