My best guess would be a biker they love motor bike they wear leather jackets and ride in groups this is the only thing i could think of
~ thanks ~
The variable options is a list containing 5 string values
options = ["ski", "surf", "jog", "bike", "hike"]
Indexing in python starts from 0 ; hence the index values of the list values are :
0 - ski
1 - surf
2 - jog
3 - bike
4 - hike
The statement ;
print(options[2]) means print the string at index 2 in the list named options
The string at index 2 is jog ;
Hence, the string jog is printed.
The correct answer is B. Africa
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) was founded in 2003 having its first center in Cape Town, South Africa. AIMS provides training for Africa's talented university graduates needed to enter technical professions or pursue graduate studies in technical fields. The Next Einstein Initiative (NEI) is a strategic plan to build on the success of the first AIMS centre and create a coordinated pan-African network of 15 AIMS centres by 2020, producing 750 well-qualified graduates per annum. AIMS won the Google's Project 10^100 and also the founder of AIMS won the TED Prize and announced his vision to unlock scientific talent across Africa.
A favor: porque permite manejar la memoria, disco, medios de almacenamiento de información y los diferentes periféricos o recursos de nuestra computadora, como son el teclado, el mouse, la impresora, la placa de red, entre otros.
En contra:
Si uno llega a fallar con un codigo en algun sistema puede verse afectado el dispositivo
You would click on control panel to get to that area