True. Museums usually specialize in one area in specifics.
Ex. WWII Museums give great historical info on WWII
My experience was comfortable
This website is pretty simple and loads fast, there are a lot of images with high quality but only when you click over of the image this expands in the original size.
I could find really helpful information, there are different subjects, but this is not a website for kids for some adult content.
I didn't need to register any information to share content or if you want to ask something and everything is anonymous.
pecialisation - departments focus on one area of work. productivity - specialism means that staff are skilled in the tasks they do. accountability - there are clear lines of management. clarity - employees understand their own and others' roles.
The results would be exactly the same. We have learned little about authority and when to oppose it.
I'll give you an example. Last night I was in a restaurant like Taco Bell or Subway. Across from me was a girl with an ordinary backpack which was all I could see. It was quite common to see that in the University District where I was. I paid no attention until two policemen came in (both over 200 pounds -- she was tall but could not have been more than 130) and began arrest procedures. She started shouting very foul language but otherwise did not resist. They put handcuffs on her wrists which were behind her back. Again she she used profane language only screaming that they were hurting her. It took the one police officers a moment to find his key and loosen the cuffs, which he did, but she was still uncomfortable and cursing.
She was silent as they took her out. Nobody questioned the incident at all. Do you think Dr. Millgram would recognize this as an example of his theory? I'm sure he would. Trust me, this was not staged. There was a 3rd officer who drove the girl and one of the 2 arresting officers away.