The brain imaging technique you refer to is the MEG.
So here let's first find the amount of children every santa, in total, sees in one day. So if there are 400 santas, and each sees 125 children, you can just multiply 400 by 125 to see how many children all the Santas see in one day.
400 * 125 = 50,000
Now, since there are 30 days which all the santas see 50,000 children, you can then multiply 30 by the 50,000 children to get how many children are seen by Macy's Santas in a month.
30 * 50,000 = 1,500,000
So 1,500,000 children are seen by Macy's Santas.
Answered below.
A karyotype is defined as the size, shape, and number of chromosomes present in an organism.
An analysis is usually done on a karyotype to see if individuals have abnormal numbers or sizes of chromosomes. Such abnormalities may arise from;
Deletion: which implies that a chromosomal part is missing.
Duplication: where parts of a chromosome are repeated.
Translocation: which occurs when a chromosomal part breaks off and gets attached to another chromosome.
Nondisjunction: in which chromosomes do not separate from the parent cells.
Common chromosomal disorders arising from these abnormalities include;
Down's syndrome
Edwards syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Prada-willi syndrome
Cri-du-chat syndrome
Patau's syndrome
Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic drug that used for treating urinary tract infection. This drug is relatively safe but has toxicity to some organ such as liver, nervous and lungs.
Prior lab work will exclude the chance that the organ is damaged before treatment. It also can be used to monitor if there are major adverse effect happens to the patient.