I would say you do considering that unless you own the river or lake or such, the fish and body of water belongs to the state or county
The best answer here is b. estate tax - this is the tax that is applied on a transfer of wealth after the person died.
a. flat and d. recessive tax decribe how and weather the rates of taxation change for people who earn less or more (flat tax: everyone pays the same percentage).
Picture 1
A reflective essay is a text in which a writer relates their experiences and feelings to communicate a message to the reader.
Write 1 - 2 paragraphs answering the following questions:
. What are two central messages Annie Dilard is communicating through her narration of this episode? How does she develop those messages in the text?
As you are brainstorming ideas for your response, think about additional questions that may help you identify details from the text to support your response.
. Which details and examples from the text support your analysis?
. Which vocabulary or word choices I used to support your analysis?
Now you are going to write 1 - 2 paragraphs answering the following questions: What are two central messages Annie Dillard is communicating through her narration with this episode? How does she develop those messages in the text?
Picture 2
The answer is superego. This is
the ethical constituent of the character and delivers the moral values by which
the ego functions. The superego's condemnations, exclusions,
and reserves make an individual’s integrity, and its optimistic ambitions and
ideals signify one's perfect self-image, or “ego ideal.”