We can immediately think of different features: styles in art, architecture and music; different writing scripts; a distinct literature; a particular set of religious beliefs; noteworthy forms of government; special practices – for example, gladiators (Rome), caste (India) and so on. And of course, all civilizations occur at a particular time and place in world history.
For example, you will all know which civilization I am talking about when I mention pyramids, mummies, hieroglyphs and pharaohs. Ancient Egypt, of course.
Nothing I’ve said above, however, is quite as it seems. Taking Ancient Egypt as an example, the Egyptians only built pyramids at one phase of their history. Hieroglyphs were not used in everyday life. Sometimes the land of Ancient Egypt was ruled by foreigners, not native pharaohs. Their religious beliefs changed over time. And yes, they certainly embalmed bodies – but so did many other ancient peoples.
Other civilizations changed much more drastically. The ancient Romans began their history under the rule of kings, before changing to a republic, and then an empire. They spent much of their history as pagans, but later converted to Christianity. In their early days they built Greek-style temples; by the end they were building great domed cathedrals. They even ended up in an entirely different location: starting out in central Italy, the last people who considered themselves “Romans” died defending a city in what is today Turkey.
All civilizations show these sorts of changes, to a lesser or greater extent, and yet, most of us know what is meant when we hear the phrase “Ancient Egyptian civilization” or “Ancient Roman civilization”.
Of course, as historians (professional and amateur), we expect all civilizations to change over time: they grow and spread, their cultures evolve, their political systems change. But what is really interesting (for me, at any rate) is, when one civilization changes into another.
This issue lies behind such questions as: when did the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia come to an end? What exactly happened to the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome? Can the civilization of China be truly regarded as a single, long-enduring civilization, or do the outward continuities mask one or more break-points?
How does a civilization, which over the course of centuries or millennia has been gradually changing, change so drastically that it can no longer be regarded as the same civilization?
In a series of blog posts I’m going to look at this matter with regard to particular civilizations.
One major way in which the Age of Exploration in Europe contributed to the success of the Commercial Revolution was that "<span>C. It led to the discovery of new, efficient trade routes between Europe and Asia," since this greatly helped facilitate the sale and trade of goods between different countries. </span>
<span>The United States have had a trade deficit over the past two decades because the nation had a persistent trade deficit. Since the 1970s, The United States had entered into a trade deficit, from trade surplus. This started because Japan and Europe started trading and competing with US, in a range of industries.</span>
The correct answer is . Armenia/Republic of Georgia. During the pre-World War I nation the name of the country is Armenia. Its post-war name is not Republic of Georgia, but rather it is named as the Republic of Armenia. On the other hand, Russia is for Soviet Union, Austria-Hungary for Austria, Hungary and Ottoman Empire for Republic of Turkey
I think it will be disastrous. A two front war means they have to focus on more than one enemy at a time, on two different locations. This does not seen successful considering it is hard enough to focus attention to one front alone.