Hernandez, L. "Flight." Illustration. The Artist's Page. Artists Unlimited, 12 December 2010. Web. 15 May 2012.
Answer: The rhyme scheme order is:
For the rhyme scheme A, the word 'dead' rhymes with 'said'.
For the rhyme schemes B, the word 'say' and 'day' rhymes.
Rhyme schemes C and D do not have another ending line that rhymes with its ending word.
Smilie - "like a feather"
He is trying to hide his sins. Refusing to remove his mask seems like he wants others to be aware of their own sins before they see his. On the other hand, he is willing to be cast out by the people of the community.
He is literally willing to give up his love and the relationship that he has with Elizabeth. Men wear masks to hide their secrets. He is showing others that the mask has the ability to harm his relationship and to show others that they too are going to possibly have their relationships ruined.
Read the Bible where it has the verses where Jesus was telling the men to go ahead and cast a stone at the woman who was a sinner. Jesus told them, that if they are without sin, then cast the first stone. No one could cast a stone.
Two strategies which will help you to carry out an effective group discussion are: Make sure everyone gets an equal chance to speak in the group. And, when you don’t understand what a person has said, politely ask the person to clarify his or her point.
Answer: Option B and C.
Group discussion is a type of discussion in which a group of people interacts and share their views and opinions with other members of the group. An effective group discussion is the one where the ideas and opinions of every participants are considered and heard.
Other important strategy to carry out a productive group discussion is by clarifying things rather than jumping to a conclusion. It often happens that one participant says something else and the other participant don’t really understand his take and misinterpret it as something else. During such time it’s always better to politely ask a person to clarify his/her point.