I am PRETTY sure it mean's that someone killed a person from that person's family.
Sorry if I am wrong.
As weird as it sounds, a shark has no bones in it's bodies! It's body is made entirely of cartilage which is found in the ear lobe of the human body. many people believe that it is made up of 278 or 356. But actually, it's skeleton is made entirely of cartilage.
The folly of men has enhanced the value of gold and silver because of their scarcity
it creates dramatic tension.
Often the authors use the thoughts and words spoken by the characters to create a dramatic tension in the story. For example, a character may be experiencing a terminal illness and he is very worried, sad and hopeless, but when someone asks how he is he smiles and says that he is great. This creates a dramatic tension in the story because the reader knows what is happening and what the character says is different than what he is thinking.
because there are kinds of fable stories