The answer is "Right".
In computer science, editing is the primary activity, which is used by the users to handles graphics, tables, and other things. It can be divided into two types first is internal(default) and the second is manual.
- In the manual editing, to edit the column of the table we just right click on the column.
- It enables you to edit option, in which we edit column according to our desire.
Variables. A variable is a way of naming and storing a value for later use by the program, ... its type, and optionally, setting an initial value (initializing the variable). ... byte x; x = 0; x = x - 1; // x now contains 255 - rolls over in neg. direction
A. DDoS Attacks
A zombie, in computer terminology, is a hacker, computer worm, trojan horse, or virus compromised internet connected computer, which can be remotely directed to perform malicious tasks
E-mail spams and denial-of-service, DoS attacks are spread and launched by botnets of zombie computers
Botnets which are also known as "zombie army", are used by hackers mainly for spam and distributed-denial-of-service, DDoS, attacks
While a DoS attack involves one machine, while a DDoS attack consist of multiple computing devices and machines
A botherder is the originator of a botnet and common botnets include Mr Black. Pushdo, and cyclone