memory loss is caused by old age, minor or major head trauma, Emotional disorders, Alcoholism, and many more things.
Army horses took over Canyon de Chelly grazing grounds, In 1860, 1,000 warriors attacked Fort Defiance, For 10 years there were attacks and reprisals by both the Navajo and the Army.
<em>B. The Tenth Amendment protects the powers of states, rather than individual liberties.</em>
Most of the Bill of Rights goes over and protects individual liberties, like freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, protection of unreasonable searches, etc. This is where the Tenth Amendment differs.
The Tenth Amendment grants any and all of the powers that are not reserved to the national government, to the states. This was very important, as many people during this time were scared of tyranny and were nervous about the national government having too much power. While things are still reserved for the government, the states have the power to do the rest.