Because body languages account for about 55% of communication.
The tone of voice accounts for about 38% and words 7% of communication.
A calorie is a unit of energy. Historically, scientists have defined "calorie" to mean a unit of energy or heat that could come from a variety of sources, such as coal or gas. In a nutritional sense, all types of food — whether they are fats, proteins, carbohydrates or sugars — are important sources of calories, which people need to live and function.
Answer with Explanation:
A T-wave is used in "electrocardiography," a diagnostic test for checking the presence of cardiovascular disease. The T-wave is the representation of the ventricle's repolarization.
Repolarization refers to the restoration of the difference that occurs in the charges. Refractory period refers to the "recovery time" of the T-wave. So, the organ will prepare itself for another stimulus. This is significant when it comes to the pacing modes. In this period, the organ doesn't repeat the action and is therefore, given a limit when it comes to a particular action.
Analyzing the refractory period will also tell the abnormalities in a person's T-wave. <u>Thus, it is essential in diagnosing abnormalities, such as cardiac conditions.</u>