Shakespeare's intention was not to make Shylock a tragic figure; instead, Shylock was meant to function as a man who could be vividly realized as the epitome of selfishness; he must be defeated in this romantic comedy. In a sense, it is Shakespeare's own brilliance which led him to create Shylock as almost too human. Shylock is powerfully drawn, perhaps too powerfully for this comedy, but his superb dignity is admirable, despite the fact that we must finally condemn him.
In a business letter or any formal letter you will traditionally use the salutation of.
A. Dear Senator Smith,
This is only slightly different from Dear Senator Smith - however the comma is an important element grammatically that should be included in a formal letter.
The 1930s were not a very hopeful time in the history of world politics, yet here we have Gandhi echoing across the years with a clarion call of hope: do not despair of human nature. People may be obstinate; people may be unkind; people may be downright cruel; but that’s not the whole story. People can change. People can exhibit extraordinary selflessness. People can still love even in the face of the most challenging circumstances, with a fierce, unrelenting love that can stop pipelines and wars. But this love is not a soft, sweet love. It’s the kind of love that resists, and protects, and draws out the highest powers—real power—in people. In a word: nonviolence.