Retrograde amnesia
In psychology, when you suffer an injury, loss of consciousness or start having a disease (like dementia) you can get retrograde amnesia, which is the phenomenon by which you forget the events that took place just before the injury.
As opposed to the anterograde amnesia in which you forget the events that take place after the injury and therefore they cannot be stored into the long-term memory.
In this example, we are asked for the phenomenon that occurs when an individual experiences a loss of memory for experiences that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness. Thus, this would be retrograde amnesia.
Instead of the troika coming, there was a power struggle and Stalin took control of the country. He managed to remove all his political opponents and collectivize the properties which led to a rapid industrialization. There was no troika because Stalin ruled himself with an iron fist. He stayed in that position until he died in 1953.
The appropriate response is mirror-image perceptions. It is a corresponding perspective of each other regularly held by gatherings in the struggle; for instance, each may see itself as good and peace-cherishing and alternate as insidious and forceful.
Two major factors laid the foundations of British rule and the eventual establishment of a colony on the Gold Coast: British reaction to the Asante wars and the resulting instability and disruption of trade, and Britain's increasing preoccupation with the suppression and elimination of the slave trade.
<span>D. The Allies
</span><span>Definatly </span><span />