so they all could get natural resources
Answer: D) Repression
Explanation: According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Repression is a situation where one unconsciously pushes aside or remove painful memories/experiences out of his or her consciouness to the point that they are no longer aware of the existence of such memories/experiences. Even though this memories can't be remembered, they still affect the behaviors of this individuals in one way or the other.
Matteo's experience of how he was biten by a dog was so painful that he unconsciously pushes the memories out of his consciouness, this led to him becoming unaware of the incident but he is still afraid of dogs and he can't remember how and when he started being afraid of dogs. This shows that although he has forgotten the experience, the memories still affects his behavior. This scenario best illustrates repression.
Letter to a news editor about the poor coverage of phone networks.
The Editor
ABC Daily
12 May 2018
Subject: Poor network coverage in our locality.
I am writing to your esteemed newspaper to bring attention to the poor network coverage that our locality has. It's been a number of years that we had access to phone connectivity and that has also been a huge relief to all of us. But at the same time, this recent change in the availability of the network has posed a huge impediment in our lives.
We are unable to make calls, receive, or do anything unless moving from one site to another to 'look for networks'. We have also written a huge deal to the network providers but to no avail. No response has been received nor has there been any visit or inquiry from the concerned authorities.
So, it is through your national paper that I am writing, in the hope that the concerned authorities would take cognizance of it and make the necessary repairs.
Thank you.
Mr. David
Resident of XYZ Route
........ District
....... State
They first met serious Persian resistance in Granicus River.