this is what the green party is, The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war; anti-racism and ecosocialism.
this is three benefits The Green Party favors the abolition of the death penalty, repeal of Three-strikes laws, banning of private prisons, legalization of marijuana, and decriminalization of other drugs.
The correct answer is letter "E": Population.
The population is composed of all the individuals to whom may apply a certain given research. It is also called the universe. In difference with the <em>target population</em>, the population itself is not a certain amount of individuals but all of them.
In the case, the 800 students of Arizona State University are the target population of Professor Marlow's research but the universe or population are all the students enrolled in the very same university.
The correct answer Is C. Force Bill
Force bill was there way of fighting back. a Bill is very important bill are used to solve problem such as avoiding accidents and death by passing a bill for traffic lights, bus stop to get ensure students safety and more. the only way it was possible for them to fight back was through Bills.
If you look at the others Options as well none makes sense.
hopes this help You!
Explanation:why do you need to know this
The answer is "Option c".
The area around a city is an urban environment. Almost all of the urban residents pursue non-farm employment. Urban regions were significantly developed because the human constructions like houses, stores, highways, bridges, railways are highly densified. "Towns, cities, and suburbs may be called the urban area." The environment promotes a person to think comfortably. It promotes a community sense. Many liberal Protestants rejected Bible literalism and adapted religious concepts for modern society in the new urban context.