Inside most every cell in your body, you have the same 46 chromosomes, carrying the same genes. But not all the cells in your body are the same. Nerve cells, blood cells, cells lining your intestine, they all look different and they do different jobs
The endosymbiotic theory stated
that the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells are actually prokaryotic bacteria
which were once engulfed by prehistoric eukaryotic cells as a result of
Therefore to answer this
question, here are some characteristics:
1 Both mitochondria and prokaryotic cells contain their own
2 Neither of the two have
true nuclei, but they do have a space in which their DNA is enclosed.
3 Mitochondria and prokaryotic cells have similar
transcriptional machinery, which means that they have the same process of
making RNA from DNA.
<span>4 Mitochondria
contain their own genome, and the formation of their genome in most organisms
is circular similar to prokaryotes.</span>
Technically you can believe in what you want but it’s your choice you can believe in one god or many or not even a god it’s your choice
Oh how I remember Quandale Dingle
Such magestic face, reminds me of pringles
Many goofy stories, he would tell
Oh how I remember his elegant smell
Shared many goofy memories, gone to the wind
In time we will see, how he dissappeared
So in the meanwhile, hey guys Quandale Dingle here.
An acrostic poem consists of lines that have first letters that form a certain word like in this case, osmosis.