His theory is called the Social constructivism.
According to this theory, the potential development varies according to the level at which the learning takes place. It is composed of cognitive structures that are in the process of maturation, but that can only be developed with the guidance and collaboration of third parties. Vygotsky was a cognitivist, but he disagreed with the assumption that learning was independent of the social context. He considered that all cognitive functions originate in social interactions and that learning not only ivolves the assimilation and adaptation of new knowledge by students. For Vygotsky it is a process in which the learners are integrated into a community of knowledge.
The correct answer is:
Behaviorism, structuralism, and functionalism were the earliest schools of thought in the field of psychology, but neither of the last two (structuralism, and functionalism) remains today, both have influences on modern-day psychology. Structuralism played a role in the metamorphosis of psychology into an experimental science, while functionalism acted as a precursor for the development of behaviorism.
Behaviorism, also known as behavioral science is a theory of learning, which states that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment, through a process called conditioning, thus, behavior is simply a response to environmental stimuli. Behaviorism can also be further divided into two types: Methodological behaviorism and radical behaviorism.
Psychoanalysis is a newer school of thought compared to the other three.
Unconditioned stimulus/ unconditioned response
1. Feudal lords force King John to sign the Magna Carta.
The Magna Carta was a document created in 1215. Feudal lords were unhappy with the taxation system at the time, which is why they made the king create a document which would be in their favor. He had to sign it at Runnymede, in 1215.
2. Parliament claims the rights of citizens with the Petition of Right.
This is a document created in 1628. It is an important document in English history because it restricted the authority of the king and protected the freedoms of the citizens. This document dealt with taxes, unlawful imprisonment, martial law, etc.
3. The English Bill of Rights expands more rights to commoners.
Bill of Rights is another document created to protect civil and natural rights of citizens. It was signed in 1689 and similarly to Petition of Right, it was passed in order to restrict the authority of the monarch and the Parliament as well.