This sentence does not have a subject. All sentences need to have a subject and predicate to be a complete sentence.
Excuse any spelling errors.
Option A
A cover letter is attached to a resume for the applicant to introduce himself/herself and tell why the manager would pick him/her to get the job.
It contains a overview of his or her work experience most related to the job posting.
Option A would be your best answer because it tells that the narrator had experience and he/she also says that he/she would be a good person for a lead counselor.
C) Discrimination and lack of job opportunities
Lack of job opportunities and racial discrimination remained the top factors for black migration to the North and West. The advent of World War II contributed to an exodus out of the South, with 1.5 million African Americans leaving during the 1940s; a pattern of migration that would continue at that pace for the next twenty years.
Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the Moon, and chastity.