The given decimal values are converted to octal and hexadecimal.
a. The converted octal value of 111010110001.0112 decimal number is 1473055755061.00557000643334272616
The converted hexadecimal value of 111010110001.0112 decimal number is 19D8B7DA31.02DE00D1B71758E21965
b. The converted octal value of 10110011101.112 decimal number is 113246503335.07126010142233513615
The converted hexadecimal value of 10110011101.112 decimal number is
a. while converting back from octal to decimal the value is 111010110001.01119999999999999989
b. while converting back from octal to decimal the value is
Hence both the values changes while we convert from octal to decimal.