This is false. Therapeutic services are some of the most expensive.
Clock (int hours, boolean isTicking, int diff) // constructor clock
this.hours = hours;
// set the instance variable hours
this.isTicking = isTicking;
// set the boolean variable isTicking
this.diff =diff;
//set the instance variable diff
Here we declared a constructor clock which has 3 parameter hours,boolean isTicking,and diff.
The int hours, diff is of int type and isTicking is of boolean type. In this constructor, we set the instance variables values by using this keyword.
Option A is not true because a Boolean variable type can hold one of two values only that is (true/True or false/False).
All the other options given in the question are correct because
- A variable declaration refers to specifying its type and name
- If string variables are assigned a numeric values which is legal provided the values are enclosed in quaotes( " "), trying to carryout a mathematical operation like addition will result in string concatenation.
- The Variable name I_Love_to_eat_pizza is legal because it contains no special characters, doesn't start with a number and its not a reserved word in any language
To ensure that the trainees are well acquainted with how to differentiate 568A cables and 568B cables, you must ensure they know appropriate color scheme pattern for the both cables. Also, they are expected to know the correct terminology when using both cables, as 568A is known as a crossover cable and 568B is known as a straight-through cable.