Mummification was a practice that the ancient Egyptians adopted because they believed that the body needed to be preserved in order for the dead to be reborn in the afterlife. ... The body was dismembered and wrapped in bandages to safeguard it, if the soul decided to return.
The conflict theorist would argue from the point of view of the society being in perpetual competition as a result of inequality of distribution of resources and power. The rich would not pave the way for cheaper technology as a result of them purchasing early version of expensive technologies but rather, everyone would aspire to be the first to buy such early version of technology due to prestige associated with it.
On the long run, the conflict theorists makes more sense due to the fact that, as more people aspire to buy the early version of technologies, it creates extraordinary demand for the goods. this would force the manufacturers to employ more workers inorder to meet up with the demand thereby leading to fall in the prices of such goods. An example is the Toyota brand cars that is popular in some countries.
It should be noted that an example of a truth that was restored through Prophet Joseph Smith was <u>baptism.</u>
Baptism simply means the first saving ordinance of the gospel. Through Prophet Joseph Smith, it was stated that God was able to restore the authority of the priesthood.
It should be noted that the priesthood keys that were important to perform all ordinances necessary for eternal life were also restored.
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Los conservadores señalan una “cultura de pobreza” y sugieren que muchas de las privaciones son el resultado de elecciones y comportamientos erróneos de los mismos pobres. Señalan una fuerte correlación entre la pobreza y la falta de seguimiento de la llamada “secuencia del éxito”: terminar la escuela, conseguir un trabajo, casarse y solo entonces tener hijos. Relativamente pocas personas que hacen esas cosas terminan en la pobreza.