Deleting a character when you make a mistake and the print it without errors
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The output of the program is 10.
def mult(a, b = 1, c = 1):
print(a * b * c)
mult(2, 5)
<h3>Code explanation:</h3>
The code is written in python.
- A function is declared named "multi" and the function has parameter of a, b and c. The default value of b and c are 1.
- Locally, we print the product of a, b and c.
- Finally, we call the function with its inputted parameters. Notice we only had 2 argument while calling the function. This simply implies that the default value for c is used. Therefore, we will have 2 × 5 × 1 = 10
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6* 49 because you multiply the number of dots in the first figure by 49