Race condition can be described as a situation where at any time there are two or more processes or threads operating concurrently, there is potential for a particularly difficult class of problems. The identifying characteristic of race conditions is that the performance varies depending on which process or thread executes their instructions before the other one, and this becomes a problem when the program runs correctly in some instances and incorrectly in others. Race conditions are notoriously difficult to debug, because they are unpredictable, unrepeatable, and may not exhibit themselves for years.
A PCM system consists of a PCM encoder (transmitter) and a PCM decoder (receiver). The essential operations in the PCM transmitter are sampling, quantizing and encoding. All the operations are usually performed in the same circuit called as analog-to digital convert Early electrical communications started to sample signals in order to multiplex samples from multiple telegraphy sources and to convey them over a single telegraph cable. The American inventor Moses G. Farmer conveyed telegraph time-division multiplexing (TDM) as early as 1853. Electrical engineer W. M. Miner, in 1903, used an electro-mechanical commutator for time-division multiplexing multiple telegraph signals; he also applied this technology to telephony.
you can right click the target cell or cells and then select the keys to paste the copled data.