I do believe it is D im not sure
Answer:Females make up a large part of the market. The female fans often times spend more on things and have a greater amount of it, so if they are able to target them, they have a gained a large amount of the market
hope it helps
- \' is used to escape a single quote in a string enclosed in single quotes like;
my_string = 'this is John\'s ball'.
- \n is used to jump to a new line, Eg;
my_string = "Johns is a good boy\nbut he hates going to school."
the next set of the string after the '\n' character is displayed on the next line.
- \t is used to add a tab space to a string.
my_string = 'Jane is \thungry'
the character adds four character spaces before the word 'hungry'.
- \r adds a carriage return (or enter in keyboards) to start a new block paragraph in a string.
my_string = "Johns is a good boy\rbut he hates going to school."
Escape sequences in programming are used to format strings or output syntax of a program. They always begin with the backslash. Examples of escape sequence are " \' ", "\n", "\t", "\r", etc.
About. com that changed its name recently to dotdash is basically a subject directory. It is a colection of blogs articles about various general intrests of writers. Most of the information it contains is not vetted and thus does not qualify as reference point.
False, all parking revenues do not come from home team games. The home team refers to a team that plays on its ground. Parking Revenue refers to the revenue earned from the rental of parking space.
Stadium owners can generate more revenue from parking and concessions by increasing the use of their venue. Stadium parking is also one of the sources of income.