A network administrator is a professional responsible for creating, managing and maintaining a network of computers that work at the same time for a certain thing. The greater the number of computers added to this network, the more difficult it will be the work of the network administrator who has to establish factors for the network to be able to house all users, in addition to creating factors that allow users to do their activities independently how intense it is.
One hundred users is a large number for a computer network, so we can say that building and maintaining this network will be a difficult job for the network administrator.
C. The competence-environmental press theory.
The Competence-environmental press theory is defined as a particular model of adaptation and stress whereby the adaptive functionality in the environmental surrounding tends to be dependent on the association between the different stimuli present in an individual's social and physical environment that puts various demands on an individual i.e, the environmental press and his or her competence for meeting or completing these needs or demands that is being shaped via personal qualities including perceptual and cognitive capabilities.
In the question above, the given statement explains the competence-environmental press theory.
I would say B
Hope I helped (SharkieOwO)
Integrated marketing communication system
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a simple concept and process through which organizations accelerate returns by taking a customer-centric approach including communicationa and massages to aligning their marketing and promotional objectives with their business or institutional goals so that they work together in harmony.
Integrated Marketing is an approach to creating a unified and seamless experience for consumers to interact with the brand/enterprise; it attempts to meld all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, directmarketing, and social media.
Differential Reinforcement Ratio of High Rates
Differential Reinforcement Ratio of High Rates is a schedule of reinforcement when reinforcement is provided at the end of a predetermined interval, contingent on the number of responses emitted during the interval being greater than a gradually increasing criterion based on the individual's performance in previous intervals, it is contingent upon emitting at least a certain number of responses in a certain period of time. When reinforcement is higher than a predetermined criterion, it produces a higher rate of return.