Maintaining law and order. gives people something they have to do, it’s extremely important- otherwise people would do whatever they want, never facing retribution .
Protest by a group of Massachusetts colonists, disguised as Mohawks and led by Samuel Adams, against the Tea<span> Act and, more generally, against “taxation without representation”.
i hope this help you a little my dudette
The US constitution differs from the Articles of Confederation because of the power that the federal government has. In the articles, each state acted as it's own country. They had the ability to command a military, declare war, and tax terrifs against other states. The constitution has the states act as subordinates to the federal government. They have the right to tax citizens, but their power and their ability to interact with other countries are strictly regulated through the federal government.
They wrote in the amendment clause into the original constitution allowing for constitutional amendments as long as they were approved by a 2/3 vote in both the Senate and House of Reps and wasn't declared unconstitutional by the Judaical or Executive branches. Also a amendment can not be erased from the constitution another amendment must be placed to void it. <span />