simple answer for question 2
rocks are composed of grains from minerals,
University obtained word counts from the most popular novels of the past five
Yes this can potentially create a bias in a statistical
study because the word popular may be subjective. It should properly defined in
order for the study to be not biased.
five kingdoms
members of the domain eukaryotes have member-bound organelles including a nucleus containing genetic material and are represented by five kingdoms.
A rainforest ecosystem would have a more high species riches. There are vast resources such as trees and plants that contribute to animal life. More animals live in these ecosystems because of the environment itself.
A dessert ecosystem would have a low species riches. There is little plant life and low resources for survival. Only animals that have adapted to this environment have a high species rate.
1.Blood is the liquid tissue that carries oxygen and nutrients round the living systems, passing through veins and arteries. It also carry carbon dioxide out of the living system towards the lungs for exhaling out. A normal blood sample should have the following components: PLASMA, RED BLOOD CELLS, WHITE BLOOD CELLS AND PLATELETS.
2. The plasma is the liquid components of the blood and is composed of water, ions, proteins, nutrients, dissolved gases, fat, hormones, wastes, etc. The plasma function as a transport medium to deliver nutrients, hormones, ions, oxygen, etc to all the cells in the body in order to maintain homeostatic balance. The red blood cell is responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide. The white blood cell are part of the immune system and fight against infections. The platelets are the part of the blood that are responsible for blood clotting when one sustain injury.